
Recipe: Cheese Puffs

Tired of all the sweets from Christmas? I know I am. I'm sure that won't last long but until then, here are some delicious treats that won't hit your sweet tooth. These tasty little bites are made with Swiss cheese which gives them a nice little bite. They are perfect as a side dish with dinner, or as hors d'oeuvres if you're having a little New Year's Party. And they're easy to make too!


holiday: New Year's Resolutions

I love making New Year's Resolutions. I will admit, though- I'm like so many others out there who aren't very good at keeping their resolutions. But last year, I made a food related resolution to make and blog about at least one recipe from each of my cookbooks, and I'm glad to say that I am one post away from finishing that resolution.

This upcoming year, I plan to eat more seasonally and to try new ingredients, cuisines and techniques in the kitchen. I'm also going to keep up on cooking from my cookbooks. What are some of your "foodie" resolutions for the new year?


test kitchen: manhattan clam chowder

There's nothing like a steaming hot bowl of clam chowder in the winter months. In the Zupas Test Kitchen we decided to mix things up a bit and give a good ole' classic a twist. Our Manhattan Clam Chowder is the perfect remedy for a cold day.



celebrate: holiday traditions

One thing about starting a new family is coming up with new holiday traditions to celebrate. With our first child coming early next year, my husband and I have been having fun combining the traditions of our families, along with thinking of new traditions that we'd like to do throughout the holiday season.



Recipe: Gingerbread Biscotti

Biscotti is always in season, but Gingerbread Biscotti is perfect for the holidays. It fills your home with the most amazing aroma, you'll want to bottle it up and make it last all year long! Biscotti is simply a twice-baked cookie. It is simple to make and perfect for dunking in hot cocoa or coffee.



in season: secret ingredient ham

ham is sure to be on the menu this season for many of you. if you are at a loss on how to prepare it, look no further. i have worked to perfect this recipe over the years, and i'm even willing to share with you my secret ingredient, Coca Cola.

{secret ingredient ham}

3-7 lb ham [i don't get the pre-cut kind, because it doesn't seem come out as moist]
1/2 cup brown sugar
3 cups coca cola
1 cup crushed pinapple and juice
1 tbsp dijon mustard

-place all ingredients but the ham in a bowl and whisk.

for crockpot: place ham in crockpot and pour mixture on top. cook on low for 4-8 hours or high for 2-4 hours.

for baking in the oven: bake in oven covered in a roasting pan, 18-24 minutes per pound of ham at 350 degrees.
pour juice over the ham every so often.

*more tips on cooking ham here.



recipe: cranberry orange bread

the taste of cranberries and oranges always reminds me of the holidays. this sweet cranberry orange bread has amazing flavor, and could definitely be a last minute christmas treat for friends and neighbors.



test kitchen: roasted red pepper

We are so crazy about our Roasted Red Pepper soup that we're contemplating sticking it on the permanent menu. We spent hours in the test kitchen perfecting the flavor & texture of this soup.



last chance

Don't miss your last chance to celebrate the chilly season with a warm bowl of our Featured Recipe of the week...

3 Bean & Beef Chili


spices: star anise

This spice, native to China and Vietnam, brings a licorice flavor to dishes and is a bit stronger than regular anise. It is used in traditional Chinese cooking, as well as Chinese medicine. Although it may seem unrelated to Christmas and the holidays, there are many traditional holiday recipes that debut this robust spice. Regardless of it's festive shape, I'm sure you didn't realize the taste of black licorice was so merry.



holiday: festive hot cocoa

There is just something about a cold, snowy day and sitting down with a big mug of hot cocoa. And here's a way to "fancy up" your hot cocoa, whether serving it to company or wanting a moment to spoil yourself!!



in season: cookies

I guess I'm being a bit facetious in saying that cookies are in season here in Utah, or that they even have one. But honestly, cookies do have a certain window of time when they are found in abundance. The holidays are that time. I want to share with you one of my favorites.


celebrate: the aroma of christmas

what do all these ingredients have it common? well, they make the aroma of christmas. i walked into my neighbors home the other day, only to be greeted by an amazing smell. it really smelled like christmas. and, the best part is, it is simple to make.

recipe: {the aroma of christmas}
2 cinnamon sticks
2 bay leaves
1/4 cup of whole cloves
2 orange peels
2 sections of lemon
1 quart [4 cups] water

place all ingredients in a pot and simmer on low. add water as needed.
can use for a few days.


caroline "the curious cook"


Herbs: Cilantro

There are so many uses for this herb. Cilantro is a perfect addition to Mexican dishes; add Cilantro to salsas and bean dips. Mix crushed Cilantro into sour cream and use it as a topping for chili, tacos, or enchiladas. Sprinkle Cilantro over stir fried vegetables for color and Asian flavor. Add Cilantro to sesame ginger dressing when making Chinese chicken salad.
Cilantro is traditionally used in Middle Eastern, Mexican and Asian cooking. It's taste is a fragrant mix of parsley and citrus.



in season: parsnips

With the end of the year in sight, I always start thinking about New Year's resolutions. One thing I want to do more of this upcoming year is to eat seasonally and to try new foods. And even though the year is not over, I thought I'd get a head start on my resolution and give parsnips a try!



destination: puerto rico

Anywhere in the Caribbean is worth the trip, but if you've never been to Puerto Rico, you haven't seen the best of the best. It's a beautiful island with incredible people, scenery, food and of course, fabulous beaches. Ponce, Rincon, El Yunque, and La Fortaleza are only a few of the places you should be sure to visit. Don't forget to keep your eyes open to spot a coqui frog.



Holiday: Chocolate Oreo Fudge

The bird has been devoured and now it is on to Christmas. The holidays are filled with sweets, treats and all things delicious. Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without my Mom's fudge. This recipe has been in my family for generations. It is a simple classic fudge recipe but I like to add in extra yummy treats. This time - crushed Oreo cookies. This fudge is exceptionally rich but so smooth and delectable. The pan will be devoured in no time at all! This is also perfect for neighbor gifts this holiday season.


destination: las vegas

Las Vegas is a favorite vacation destination for my husband and I. Not only is it close enough to drive down for a quick weekend vacation, but the choices for dining are growing all the time. It may be hard to find the $5.99 steak special these days, but some big names are now in Vegas.



recipe: beef + broccoli...

if you are like me, you are done with any kind of turkey or mash potatoes for a little while. this beef and broccoli recipe will surely rejuvenate your taste buds. the fresh ginger slices make this dish, and bring it amazing flavor!



celebrate: thanksgiving and 'the bird'

Looking for a last minute way to dress that turkey? This recipe is the most simple recipe for a moist, delicious turkey to serve at your big feast. My husband learned this technique from a Jewish friend of his. Apparently, he doesn't exactly eat kosher.



Recipe: Fried Ravioli

If you are looking for a delicious restaurant style meal but don't want to spend the money or wait in the lines, look no further. I am a fan of all Italian food.  I could eat it for every meal, every single day without complaint.  This ravioli is one of my favorites.


Holiday: Time to Donate

So many of us are blessed to be able to eat delicious and healthy meals every night. But did you know that one in every five Utah children go hungry for one week out of every month? And with Thanksgiving just a couple of days away, it's time to think about those who may have to go without if we don't step up. This time of year is the perfect time to donate your time, money or goods.



Recipe: Roasted Turkey Risotto

What is the most important thing that comes from Thanksgiving? Leftovers. The turkey is not even in the oven yet and I am already thinking of ways to use up that leftover turkey. Give this Roasted Turkey Risotto a try, you won't be disappointed!


recipe: seasonal thanksgiving side dish

Looking for another side dish that would be perfect for your Thanksgiving meal? Here's one that pairs a winter squash with an all time Thanksgiving original, rice.



how to: almond bark

{chocolate covered strawberries using almond bark coating}

until recently i couldn't tell you what almond bark was. i would have guessed some kind of a tree, but almond bark is actually a great chocolate-like candy coating that melts amazingly well, and is great to use to make homemade candy coated yummies.



celebrate: Holidays and the Sweet Potato

As much as I love the Thanksgiving turkey and the Christmas ham, it's usually all about the side dishes for me. One thing I have grown to love in the last year is the sweet potato. But have you ever been confused about the difference between a sweet potato and a yam, or have you wanted new ideas for your holiday side dish?

Although yams and sweet potatoes are both angiosperms (flowering plants), they are not related botanically. Yams are a monocot (a plant having one embryonic seed leaf) and from teh Dioscoreaceae or Yam family. Sweet potatoes, often called 'yams', are a dicot (a plant having two embryonic seed leaves) and are from the Convolvulacea or morning glory family.

In fact, after reading several things, I have learned that it is very rare to even find yams in the grocery store. If you are looking for a yam, you will most likely find them in a Carribean or Asian specialty store. I think the biggest reason for the confusion is that 1) the grocery stores call them yams when they are not, and 2) there are many different types of sweet potatoes, and the colors can vary, so not all sweet potatoes will look the same.

No matter what you call them, I love them! And here are a few ways to prepare them that are sure to satisfy!

The Pioneer Woman's Sweet Potatoes
at Serious Eats
Sweet Potato Pie with Pecan Topping at Simply Recipes
Vanilla Mashed Sweet Potatoes at 101 Cookbooks
Sweet Potato Bread Pudding at The Kitchn
Sweet Potato Biscuits with Bacon and Thyme at Pinch My Salt



Holiday Recipe: Homemade Cranberry Sauce

The holidays are approaching fast. The easiest recipe in the world, but often not used, is homemade cranberry sauce. Once you make if from scratch, you'll never want to open a can again! And it only takes about 15 minutes from start to finish.



will you be ready?

“Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up.” A. A. Milne

The holidays are upon us. Thanksgiving, a holiday all about food, is in two weeks. It's time to start thinking about preparations. Think it's too early? Well, I assure you the sooner you prepare and plan, the more relaxed and enjoyable your holiday will be. Here are a few tips and ideas for a wonderful holiday feast with family and friends.